Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Politics for the Conservative Woman

As a woman, a republican, a work at home mom, and a wife, I find myself very interested in politics. I have never been one to sit by the sidelines and let things pass me by, and I don't believe that women should be uninformed and passive about politics.

Unfortunately, when it comes to politics for the conservative woman, I have found that there are very few informational resources out there that are specifically geared towards women who are conservative - so, I decided to change that.

It's about time that conservative women become more informed, speak out, and make the country see that our vote is important. I've seen so many democratic women really working to make a difference, and even if I don't agree with some of their politics, I do admire their ability to stand up and be counted as women.

Well, it's time that conservative women do the same. So, here you will find a blog that takes a look at politics from the perspective of the conservative woman. It is written by a conservative woman for conservative women. If you're ready to get a conservative look at politics that relates to you as a woman, then stay tuned as we get started.

-- A Conservative Woman


simpleman said...

I really like your idea about a site for conservative women to discuss their views Way to go Joy, keep up the good work. Check out my site at
