Well, the Republican National Convention is now over. The banners have been folded up, the stadium returned to normal, and the delegates have gone home. So, you may be wondering, what will everyone retain from this convention???
Change. Sure, it's the slogan that the Obama campaign has been running on for so long, but I believe that the McCain/Palin campaign has effectively borrowed it...and I'm not sure they're giving it back.
All through the convention it was made clear that McCain was not the typical Washington insider that was a "die-hard" republican. He was portrayed as a maverick that would get the job done, no matter what party he had to work with. I like this! Party...it's great. It aids the process in our country, but it shouldn't be the defining factor in a campaign.
It was good to see Senator Joe Lieberman up there speaking at the convention. A democrat, turned independent, turned McCain supporter...we may have never seen this happen before. Appealing to democrats to stop just voting for a party, but to vote for a man that rose above party to really offer change...yes...change you can believe in.
Governor and VP nominee Sarah Palin's speech really stood out to me as well. She showed off her experience (which many people have been questioning), highlighted that she has a family like any other with problems and joys alike, and did a top class job at showing where her opponent had some key downfalls. I think my favorite quote was when she went after Obama's experience, saying "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a "community organizer," except that you have actual responsibilities."
Of course, then there was the speech of John McCain himself. I enjoyed what he had to say about education reform, letting people know he'd allow parents to choose schools, increase pay and benefits for good teachers, and "...help bad teachers find another line of work." He made it clear that he was the man who would really make a change, and at the end of his speech he drove the point home. "Let me offer an advance warning to the old, big spending, do nothing, me first, country second Washington crowd: change is coming."
Now...this is a ticket I want to vote for, and I believe McCain/Palin ticket offers a great choice for the conservative women out there!
Here's a quick video of the highlights from the Republican National Convention.
14 years ago
I have to agree with you that this is the ticket to vote for. 2 reformers in one party what a concept. What an awesome video as well, great post.
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