Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Barack Obama - Do You Really Know Him? PART 2

Welcome back to American Politics for the Conservative Woman. Last time we started touching on some of the things hidden in Barack Obama's past that really haven't been brought to light by the mainstream media. We touched on his college years and a bit on his time as a community organizer. However, there's much more to Barack Obama that you don't know, and before you make your way to the polls on November 4th, you need to take a good look at this man. So, here is part two of "Barack Obama - Do You Really Know Him? (read part 1 HERE if you missed it.)

3. Why Obama Left a Great Job in NY to Become a Community Organizer - Barack Obama doesn't want you to know why he really left NY to become a community organizer in Chicago. In fact, he has even stated himself that he didn't know what a community organizer was when he first got started - yet, he continues to say that this was something that has prepared him to be President. Who really leaves a great paying job paying $50-60k a year in NY to go to Chicago to take up a job as community organizer, especially when they supposedly have know idea what that job is?

Andy Martin, who is a journalist and author of "Obama - The Man Behind the Mask," has done research and believes that Obama actually was "in training for radical overthrow of the government" when he was involved in community organizing. Martin feels that Obama was already influenced by radicals during college and went to Chicago to possibly become a part of a political movement. In fact Martin's research also brings up that more than likely Obama actually had ties to Bill Ayers, the terrorist during the community organizing days, and perhaps this was actually just a test by Ayers to see how Obama would do. It was during this time as community organizer that he built up ties and was exposed to people like Khalid Al Mansour and Louis Farrakhan, who is the "Supreme Minister" of the Nation of Islam. He also was exposed to the radical priest, Phleger, during this time as well. (We'll explore these ties further in the future.)

So, was Obama organizing a community? Or…was Obama organizing a career, based in radicalism?

4. His Ties to Antoin Rezko - The Rezko connection is one that many people have not heard of yet. Wondering who Antoin Rezko is? Well, Rezko is the creator of a Chicago area real estate development company. He recently was brought up on charges of "influence-peddling" for allegedly demanding that a firm pay a fee for services or "donate" $1.5 million to a public official. Now, you're probably wondering how this all ties in to Obama.

Well, Obama's ties to Rezko go back some time. Rezko has actually been an Obama supporter and has even donated to Obama's campaign. In fact, when Obama was in the state Senate in Illinois, he actually wrote letters to support the Rezko Development. However, Obama's ties to Rezko go even further than that.

Back in 2005, Obama purchased a piece of real estate in an elite area of Chicago, and it happens to be right next to a piece of property that Rezko's wife purchased on the very same day. Accident? Well, Obama says it is…However, the story continues…after making this purchase, Obama decided that he wanted a yard that was a little larger and asked to purchase a piece of land from the Rezko's, which they allowed. He paid $104,50 for the small piece of land; however, the value of this land was actually appraised for only $40,500. So, why would Obama pay more than $60,000 more for a piece of land?

Not only did this occur, but Obama has actually hired landscapers to take care of his own lawn as well as the lawn of the Rezko's. A fence had to be built, and instead of the Rezko's paying for the fence, which was required by city code, Obama paid for this fence to be built. It's interesting to see all the favors that Obama has been doing the Rezko family, saying that he merely "forgot" to have the family pay him back.

Now Rezko is known to be a "political fixer" and this is the type of person that Obama has had ties with? He's raised money for Obama and Obama has apparently done several favors for Rezko. Now Rezko is going to a federal prison, and even if Obama didn't do anything wrong, he obviously hangs out with the wrong crowd. If he can't choose his friends wisely, what makes people think he'd be a great president?

That's all the time we have for today. I'll be back tomorrow with part 3 of this series and more things you need to know about Barack Obama. Take the time to check out the following video too, part 2 in the series by Sean Hannity from Fox News. It provides more information on some of these topics.


simpleman said...

Great post!!!!! A lot of information and great substance keep up the awesome work.

Glen Asbury said...

The bottom line is that Obama's associations through the years have certainly been troubling. Rezko, Wright, Ayers, Alinsky (not sure if he was associated with the latter or not, but he definitely was schooled in his tactics). The best book out there on Obama is "The Case Against Barack Obama", by David Freddoso. It is meticulously researched and is causing the Obama folks a lot of jitters.
