Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Aftermath of Election Day

The ballots have been cast. The decision has been made. Many of us are left wondering what went wrong. In fact, it's taken me a couple of days to deal with the fallout of all that happened on November 4th this year. Was I shocked? Not entirely. Was I disappointed? Definitely!

I must admit, my faith in the American people was a bit shaken. To see a man with so many questions surrounding his character elected astounded me. Why? Well, that remains to be seen.

Although I am still a bit shell shocked and upset, I see a problem here that I believe needs to be quelled immediately.

Sure, it's natural for people to look around and wonder what went wrong. It's obvious that there were points in the campaign against Obama by McCain that could have been stronger.

What went wrong? Well, I have several opinions. First of all, I definitely feel that McCain going along with the bailout plan was a huge mistake. He missed the opportunity to separate himself from Obama and Bush, but he failed to make that move.

Another problem I had was McCains lack of aggressiveness. I had to wonder why he wasn't homing in on the problems with Obama and really driving them home to the American people. This was a fight, and I believe McCain lowered his gloves one too many times and allowed Obama to bring out the knockout punch to win the election.

With that being said, although there may have been problems, now is not the time for finger pointing. In fact, I'm astounded that people are trying to take cheap shots at Sarah Palin, blaming the choice of her for VP running mate as the problem.

Let me set things straight. Sarah Palin was NOT the problem. In fact, had the campaign used her more effectively as the weapon she could have been, things may have been a bit different.

Unfortunately, disappointed and disillusioned republicans are looking for a scapegoat. However, what conservatives don't seem to realize is that now is NOT the time to start having divisions among the conservative ranks.

Obama is president elect. Now we have to live with that. Because of that reality, there's a lot of work that needs to be done in the next four years on the part of the conservatives.

I am sincerely worried that if people continue the bickering and finger pointing, in four years, the conservative party might cease to exist - totally broken and divided by smashed hopes and dreams.

We must look ahead. Four years may seem like a long time, but it's not. During this time conservatives must keep on fighting. Yes, a battle for president has been lost, but the war for our ideals and convictions is still waging. We will only lose if we choose to give up and quit.

The conservatives have never been quitters before. It's not time to start a new precedent. So, let's stop the nasty comments, pondering what could have been different, and look to the future. It may look a bit daunting, but we WILL help to shape it. We dare not back off and lose our voice now.

I appeal to all conservatives, republicans, Regan democrats, and those who have no party affiliation, to keep fighting. No doubt we will see some huge fights in the next four years, but we can't divide ourselves over silly things now. Accept the small defeat, rally back together again, and get back out there. Tomorrow is another day. Another day to fight!!!!!!!!!!!!


simpleman said...

I have to tell you that I like your message. Never quit, never give up, get out there and keep punching is going to be the only way that conservatives will ever regain their foothold in Washington. As for looking for the scape goat in McCain's lost election bid I think they should look for the cowards from his campaign who are pointing fingers at Sarah Palin. It seems to me that they doth protest to much her guilt. Great post I look forward to your next one.
