Sunday, November 9, 2008

Gay Marriage Bans - A Turn in the Right Direction?

In the past days since the election, one of the hot topics on the news has been the ban of gay marriage in the states of California, Arizona, and Florida. No doubt you've even heard about it. This has been a hot topic in many of the campaigns this year, and I'd like to explore it a bit with you.

What Voters Had to Say
Interestingly enough, the ban on gay marriage passed in all the states that proposed it on election day. In fact, polls showed that it passed overwhelmingly, showing that most people in mainstream America are not ready to legalize gay marriage.

On a side note here, I have to sit back and wonder how 70% of people who voted for Obama ended up voting to ban gay marriage.

So, the voters spoke, the bans passed, and marriage between just a MAN and a WOMAN has been preserved.

The Aftermath of the Bans
Unfortunately, after the majority of the people voted and overwhelmingly supported these bans, many people, especially in California raised a protest. Gays began to riot in San Diego and Los Angeles. Unfortunately, not all the protests were peaceful.

The RIGHT View by Conservatives
So, with all this going on, what should a true conservative think? Well, I truly believe that persecution of gays is wrong. After all, whether I believe it is right or wrong, it doesn't give me the right to harm or verbally abuse these people. Yes, they do have rights.

However, although I believe that I should treat them kindly and with respect, it doesn't mean I need to agree. In fact, I disagree - vehemently. I strongly believe that marriage should be between a man and woman, and apparently most of the people voting agreed with me.

If we allow marriage to be broken down, it wrecks havoc with families in America, and God knows they are already in huge trouble, with divorce rates skyrocketing to far beyond 50% these days. We must preserve our families or our country will fall. This country was built on families, and it can't survive today without them.

A Time to Come Together
This issue is one that should unite conservatives, since I truly believe that it is far from over. Gay couples are filing discrimination suits against the state of California, and now this will be going before the state Supreme Court in California again (the one that already tried to legalize same sex marriage).

During the days before the vote on the ban, people of various colors, religions, and views came together. In fact, $75 million was raised in California to help promote the proposition to ban same sex marriage. Those donating included Catholic churches, Evangelical congregations, Mormon churches, and even Jewish synagogues. They banded together, and in the end, made a huge difference.

It's an important lesson we all need to learn. We don't all need to agree on the small things. However, on big issues, as conservatives, we need to come together. I believe that the issue of same sex marriage is one of the issues that defines our day and I'm sure we have not heard the last of it.

So, I challenge you, as a conservative, put aside some of your small differences, band together, and let's keep the ball rolling. We have taken some giant steps in the right direction with these votes. Let's keep going. As we can see, conservatives still have a voice - Use It!


simpleman said...

I agree that the ban on gay marriage is a hot button issue. I also agree that there should be a ban on gay marriage. I do believe that they should be able to have civil unions to. I think that marriage should stay strictly between a man and a woman so as to empower people with the idea of family. Family is truly the fabric of our nation and as tattered and frayed as our nation is now, I don't think it could sustain another tear of this magnitude any time soon. Great post CIAO4NOW!!!!!
