Monday, September 22, 2008

Sarah Palin: From Mom to VP Candidate

Welcome back to American Politics for the Conservative Woman. Today I want to focus on Sarah Palin. Although as women we are taking a close look at her politically, what better way to tell a woman's true character than by taking a look at her role as a mother.

Although Sarah Palin is now enjoying a successful political career, she started out as a simple hockey mom. As she has mentioned several times, her political career actually started out with her deciding to get involved in her kids' schools by joining up with the PTA (Parent Teacher Association).

From PTA she went on to serve on the Wasilla city council, then in 1999 she became the mayor of Wasilla. In November of 2006, Sarah Palin would go on to win the position of Governor of the state of Alaska. Now, she is the VP nominee for the Republican Party.

Although her political career has definitely blossomed and grown in the past 10 years, she has never forgotten that she is first and foremost a mother. Yes, being Vice President does include being more than a good mother, but by taking a look at Sarah Palin in this role, we can see a lot about her character.

Palin has proven that she has a mother's heart and that she isn't afraid of challenges. She chose life when she was told that her youngest son Trig would be born with Down's Syndrome. Not only does she say she believes in the "right to life," but this is a woman who lives out her beliefs in her personal life.

Sarah Palin has also proven that she is willing to make sacrifices for her country - sending her own son off to fight in Iraq. She has stated numerous times how proud she is to have a son who is going off to fight for freedom.

While many in the media have criticized her daughter Bristol for being pregnant, I believe that Palin's composure and acceptance of her daughter's pregnancy speaks volumes. No doubt this is not something she would have chosen for her daughter at this point in her life, but she is there supporting her daughter and showing her the love that she needs to get her through this trying time. Many politicians would have tried to cover up something like this with a quick abortion, but once again this family is not afraid to choose life...and then to stand up for that choice.

Unfortunately, the media seems to have a problem with a strong mother who is also a politician. Members of the media have questioned whether or not she could be the Vice President and take care of her Down's Syndrome son. Some have accused her of neglecting her son by running. Still others have mentioned that she should have had an abortion, and Alan Colmes, of the Hannity and Colmes show on Fox News, actually had the gall to say that she probably caused her son to have Down's Syndrome because of her rigorous career.

Never have I seen such a media attack on someone, merely for being a good mother. I for one want a strong woman in the White House who can balance a family and a career. Someone who cared enough about her children and her future to get involved. A woman who chose life no matter the cost, and a woman who is willing to accept the mistakes of her children and stand behind them with love.

This is the type of candidate that America has been crying for and it's evident as we watch millions of Americans rally around her. She's just a mom who wants to change the world for her children and the rest of America. All I have to say's about time!!!

One of the most important issues of the presidential campaign in my opinion is abortion. It is a topic I am passionate about. Unfortunately today our society seems to have forgotten the importance of life. To preserve our future as a country, we must choose life. It's imperative that we vote for the candidates who will promote the sanctity of life. Who better than someone who has made that choice, no matter how hard it was. Enjoy the video that can say it better than any words I can type to you.


simpleman said...

I must agree with you that Sarah Palin is exactly what is needed in the White House. She has awesome strength and character. What a great video to I really enjoyed it. Thank you for your post. CIAO4NOW!!!!!
